Learning Objectives:

  • Identify Educational Opportunities in Patient Care
  • Identify Written, Audio, and Visual Materials to Reinforce Compliance
  • Identify Potential Problems to Successful Patient Education
  • Assessing your Educational Program

CEC Credit: 0.5 AAST CEC's

AAST Member Access: Click Here

Non-Member Access: Click Here


Risk Management in the Sleep Center: Infection Control

Speaker: Laura A. Linley, CRTT, RPSGT, RST, FAAST

Untitled design (29)Description: Laura Linley provides an extensive discussion of infection control guidelines ranging from hand washing to flu vaccines. General requirements include universal precautions and use of protective gear. Ms. Linley also discusses critical elements more specific to the sleep center such as cleaning of reusable supplies and PAP equipment.

Learning Objectives:

  • Practice universal precautions
  • Define equipment and reusable sensor disinfection
  • Utilize disposable and one-time-use equipment appropriately

CEC Credit: 1.0 AAST CEC's

AAST Member Access: Click Here

Non-Member Access: Click Here